Advanced Systems Research Lab

Advanced Systems Research Lab (ASRLab) is established in 2016/8.

We are looking for self-motivated Master or Ph.D. students to join us for developing advanced computer systems, such as autonomous driving vehicles, smart IoT devices, privacy-preserved computing devices, and quantum computers. To know more about our current work, please feel free to contact us. As for our ongoing research topics, please refer to “Researches" page.

You can learn…

  • A positive working attitude
  • Independent thinking
  • Presentation skills
  • Teamwork
  • You will learn from practical academic/industrial projects.
    To anticipate the fast-changing world, we will regularly review our progress (e.g., twice a week).
    We hope that the training will prepare you for your industry/academic jobs.

For Prospective Students

We are looking for graduate students with the following attributes:
  • willing to work hard/fast (It takes a lot of time to do a great system research.)
  • eager to learn
  • can-do attitude
  • responsibility (責任心), tenacity (恆心), curiosity (好奇心)
  • coding ability (C/Rust/C++/Java)
Welcome to write an email to ChiaHeng to schedule a time for us to chat. Please prepare your resume and read through the following articles, before we can talk about your interests.
  1. 碩士班如何選指導教授 by 彭明輝教授,
  2. 如果讓我重做一次研究生 by 王汎森院士,
  3. 碩士班該學什麼? by 彭明輝教授, and
  4. 碩士班研究所新生手冊 by 彭明輝教授.
You should do FAR more than taking courses and aiming for A+ in graduate study!!!

Useful Links

Something you might like to know for your graduate study.


  1. Useful Thoughts about Research by Prof. H.T. Kung
  2. How to Have a Bad Career In Research/Academia by David Patterson
  3. Non-Technical Talks by David Patterson
  4. Research Advice from UCSD VLSI Lab
  5. 如果讓我重做一次研究生 by 王汎森院士
  6. 碩士班該學什麼? by 彭明輝教授
  7. 碩士班研究所新生手冊 by 彭明輝教授
  8. Advice on Research and Writing from CMU
  9. 學術文獻回顧與分析的程序與技巧 by 彭明輝教授
  10. Writing Technical Articles by Henning Schulzrinne (Local copy)
  11. 碩士班如何選指導教授 by 彭明輝教授
  12. 如何提問?
  13. You may like to know these when you read a paper.


  1. List of interested Journals and Conferences
  2. Top conference lists
  3. Promotive Top Conference list – CSIE, NTU 
  4. Computer Science Conference Search
  5. Software Optimization Techniques
  6. Workshops on Compiler Techniques for High-Performance Computing (CTHPC)